This is JYPE.
We provide you with information about 2PM concert ticketing.
Please read public notice carefully.
It is OK that members of Korea HOTTEST 2 Period can go ahead with ticketing as advised previously.
Concert schedule and ticketing schedule can be confirm!ed again in below.
1. 2PM concert schedule
Performance in Seoul
Date & Time: 7:00PM, July 31, 2010 (Sat)
5:00PM, August 1, 2010 (Sun)
Place: Gymnastics stadium within Olympic Park
Ticket price: R seats 88,000 won / S seats 77,000 won / A seats 66,000 won
Performance in Busan
Date & Time: 7:00PM, August 7, 2010 (Sat)
5:00PM, August 8, 2010 (Sun)
Place: in Busan BEXCO
Ticket price: R seats 88,000 won / S seats 77,000 won
Reservation: Auction ticket (1566-1369)
* Standing is included in R seats.
2. Ticketing schedule
* HOTTEST 2 Period Fan club Korean fans ticketing schedule
Ticket sales in Seoul (Fan club)
7:00PM, May 26, 2010 (Wed) ~ 5:00PM, May 27, 2010 (Thu)
Ticket sales in Busan (Fan club)
8:00PM, May 26, 2010 (Wed) ~5:00PM, May 27, 2010 (Thu)
* ticketing schedule of purchasers of general tickets
8:00PM, May 28, 2010 (Fri)
* One person can purchase four tickets per each performance.
Information of ticketing for overseas fan club members of HOTTEST 2 Period
It is said that overseas fans among HOTTEST 2 Period members have lots of limits for Auction Ticketing.
So, we will have separate ticketing by selecting seats for overseas fans in advance.
We kindly request your concession and understanding of Korean fans for this 2PM concert to become a festival for both 2PM and all fans.
Overseas fans of HOTTEST 2 Period having difficulties to purchase Auction should confirm! the following notice carefully.
overseas fans: who is foreigner member of Hottest official fan club 2 peiod. Just foreigner who doesn’t have the Korean ID number(Korean registration number) for joining Auction website. It doesn’t mean Korean fan who live overseas.
1. Please join the following café.
(“DAUM” opened a café at “NAVER” as foreigners have difficulty to join.)
2. Concert schedule possible to make reservations
Performance in Seoul
Date & Time: 7:00PM, July 31, 2010 (Sat)
Place: Gymnastics stadium within Olympic Park
Ticket price: R seats 88,000 won
Performance in Busan
Date & Time: 7:00PM, August 7, 2010 (Sat)
Place: Busan BEXCO
Ticket price: R seats 88,000 won
l Selected seats are R Standing seats.
l One person can purchase four tickets per each performance.
3. Please confirm! designated seats (R seats Standing seats) of seats assignment chart for overseas fans of HOTTEST 2 Period and leave a comment in conformity of opening time of ticket reservation sales.
Seats will be allocated based on First come and first allocation.
Concert in Seoul designated seats NA, DA zone No.101~300

Concert in Busan designated seats R-1, R-4 zone N0. 101~300
4. Bulletin board of ticket reservation is between 10:00Am, May 31 ~ 2:00PM, June 2 (Korean local time)
(This time is provided in consideration of time difference of each country. Bulletin board will be opened at 9:50AM of the day but the principle of first come first assignment will be recognized from 10:00AM.)
5. Please leave a comment in conformity of the form when ticket bulletin board is opened.
Form: Self ID (ID used when joining HOTTEST 2 )/name(name used when joining HOTTEST 2)/country/concert region you want to make a reservation (Select one between Seoul or Busan)/Number of accompanying persons including self
6. Deposit bank account (Will be announced in the morning of May 26 in Korean local time)
[form] payer's name : your name+date of birth (ex. Olivia1002)
7. Tickets will be issued on site.
Overseas fans, who can make reservations of fan club, through other methods, can make reservations as they please and if overseas fans want other zones than designated zones or want to watch at other schedule than designated schedule, they can select seats and schedule they want during general reservation.
Korean fans should confirm! carefully public notice of the concert which we have already announced.
Thank you.
cr: hottestunited