We got to the venue at 5pm and even though we were considered late, they didn't start until 6 oclock.I asked my friend who was there at 2pm how awesomely handsome the guys were and looking at her camera it was so real. ahaha i asked them if they asked for a hug and i made fun of them when they said they were too shocked and totally didnt remember. So all while standing in line, i was like i totally have to get that hug from nichkhun. So wondergirls was first and then it was 2pm. While i was waiting for wondergirls, i was staring at the line for 2pm and there were these girls that were like hyperventilating bc it was almost there turn. LOL but dang when it was liek my turn, i was like omgggggg now i know why they were liek that. so i turned the corner and the first person i saw was wooyoung bc he was on the edge of the backdrop and to be honest i was so nervous the only 2 person i looked at was wooyoung and nichkhun lol i didnt even see taec and i liked him too. oh well. In the beginning nichkhun was standing to the side but towards the end he was standing in the middle bc when i came in he was in the middle. I guess alot of people were requesting to stand next to him so to ease things up they changed spots. ahaha so i pointed in between nichkhun and chansung and i asked if i can link arms and nichkhun said yes or sure i dont rmr bc i was so nervous. i thought by me saying linking arms he would take his arms from behind my waist or back and put his arms down so i can link it like i linked chansung's arm but he didn't so i bent down to like go under his arm so i can link it but his elbow ended up elbowing my head and he was like ow but i was too nervous to even feel the pain LOLL so even after this,he still had it wrapped behind my back or waist so my hand ended up looking weird( thats why i photoshopped the heart there) lolll and can you see my ugly starstruck face? im sorry but these guys really make you like go blank. even if you are OLD! yeah i totally forgot about that hug. even if i did it again, i wouldnt be able to ask for one. its that nervewrecking. boo. dang i wrote alot but in reality that was a mere 5 seconds, no joke. i guess when you are a fangirl, everything goes in slow-mo. AHAH
So I went to the Houston concert of the Wonder Girls tour with 2PM :] It was the most amazing night of my life!
This is my account of 2PM's part of the concert. I'll be back with pictures and videos later :] Its kind of long so sorry about that!!!
My friends and I weren't able to get VIP tickets beause they sold out so fast so we just got general admission tickets.
We got to the venue around 10am (yea I know) and there were already about 7 people in front of us who had gotten there at 8am! We waited in line in the horrible Texas weather for 9 hours and it was totally worth it. The House of Blues has this policy that if you purchase something from their gift shop or eat at their restuarant you can get a "pass the line" stamp which...basically lets you pass the line. Early on my friends and I went to lunch so we got the pass the line pass as well. So we were in front of the "pass the line" line. Our group also got interviewed by the camera that went around.
Around 6 or 6:30pm they started to let the VIP line in to do the meet and greet and afterwards we found out they were going to be let in first. To say the least I felt depressed when I heard that because we had been waiting for so many hours but I also felt that was fair since the VIP line paid so much for their tickets and we were in the front of our line anyways. We rushed inside after they scanned our ticket and one of my friends and I tried to get as close as possible.
There was a barrier placed between the crowd and the stage and we managed to squeeze in right next to the left side of the barrier.
The concert eventually started and it was so scary cause the crowd literally surged forward once 2PM took the stage. My friend and I were shoved into the security guard who was trying to prevent people from getting in front of the barrier so we were super close to the stage. Everyone was screaming like mad (I was too haha) and the boys look sooo different live than watching them on tv or on the computer!!!!
Chansung looks soooo thin! I was scared he'd snap in half T_T His english soooo nice and even though he has an accent its really good! He was so cute the entire time and he definitly interacted with the crowd the most. He went to the right side and left sides of the stage and touched the fans hands. (heres my minor fangirl spazz moment: I TOUCHED CHANSUNG'S HAND OMGSH BLSFKJABSAFB) ok. He looked really really good and omgsh hes so tall D:
Wooyoung is so amazing. Really watching him dance live is another story completely! He has so much energy and its just amazing to watch! His dance skills are just so admirable and I'm envious lol HIS ENGLISH is sooo cute! Seriously when he talks his voice is so sweet and cute! So different from when he sings!!! He looks really good in person!!!
Taecyeon was such a tease haha so many times he got in front of the center part of the stage and he would barely reach his hand out to the fans and it was so close but it didn't look like anyone touched his hand haha HIS BODY is no joke. His arms are so so so nice!!! He didn't lift his shirt or anything but really his arms are NICE!!!! His english is really great of course and I think he has a slight accent but it was so cute! His little "when I say 2P you say M" thing was really fun and cute too!
Junho...omgsh...like everything people have said about his butt is true. Its so nice! He really does have a bubble butt! HIS HAIR was literally GLOWING! XDD AND he was such a tease just like Taec!!! He would get super close to the edge of the stages and would be so close to touching his hand and then he'd pull back. (another minor fangirl moment: as gross as this sounds Junho's sweat landed on us. The boy sweats a lot but OMGSH thats how close he got to us!) His dance skills are also amazing! Just watching him dance was wonderful!!! Gosh when they did Heartbeat my eyes were glued on Junho dancing haha.
Khun omgsh khun!!! I have to admit I never understood the hype over his face but OMG his face is like...flawless perfection! His body is also no joke!!! His arms are soooo nice and so is his chest haha but really his face is <3>
The boys performed all their songs and they did so amazingly well! Its totally different watching it live!!! They put so much energy into their dancing and singing and its amazing!!! They started with Without U and then moved on to IHY. They did a mini intro there and when it was Junho's turn lol...he said "my name is..." and there was such a long pause before he said Junho that I started giggling cause I thought of him saying "My name is 2PM" XD I think out of all of them besides Taec and Khun, Chansung's english is the best. After their intro they went on to perform Heartbeat and AAA and it was AMAZING!!! They ended with 10 pts out of 10! Some random comments: Junho and Khun bumped into each other in one of the dances I can't remember which one but Khun was laughing and smiling and Junho looked shocked for a second before laughing as well. In 10pts out of 10 Chansung started early in the beginning and Taec was laughing because of that and then Chansung was just grinning the entire time afterwards~ It really looked like the guys were just enjoying themselves which is good! Overall 2PM's performance was amazing and the crowd was screaming and singing along the entire time.
cr: dancing_fishies
I went to the 2pm and wonder girls concert, and they were both amazing. I got tickets to the meet and greet with my brother too :D
We got there at like 5:15ish and had to wait in the line for vips, we were close to the end of the line. A guy came and told us info about how we have to rush and stuff and that there were 200 vips. He said he didnt know anything about autographs. At around 6, they started letting vip people go in to meet and greet 2pm and the wonder girls. I didnt get in until about 6:30ish. We get into the building, and you could see the set up for the wonder girls and 2pm, but 2pm was covered kind of a lot so i couldnt see them from where i was standing. You could see the wonder girls from their shadows though :D A staff member was in that area saying that we cannot ask for autographs. We took pictures with the wonder girls first and i was able to make eye contact with all of them so that made me pretty happy :D I stood next to Sunye and she put her hand on my shoulder. I said thank you and they told us to enjoy the show. My brother told them good luck and i think one of them said thanks to him. My brother and I said our goodbyes and went to go and stand in line for 2pm.
2PM Meet and Greet:
From where we were in the line, we couldn't see any of the members yet, but when it was close to my turn, I could see Wooyoung standing at the end. My brother formed a plan to get their autographs on the case of the polaroid set that i bought awhile ago while i give the camera to the staff. But i had to give my camera before i even got to see them. When it was finally my turn, i think i forgot to look at wooyoung cause he was right at the end closest to where i was walking in. I looked at all of them, but OMG i was totally starstruck by Nichkhun. I ended up looking only at Nichkhun and i kept eye contact with him the entire time. On the far left was taecyeon, then junho, nichkhun, chansung, and wooyoung. I asked if i could stand by nichkhun and chansung, and nichkhun said "Yeah sure." and he looked at chansung and told him "C'mon scoot over." so nichkhun kind of moved over a little, but i wasnt able to put like my arms around them or anything, which i was hoping for. I think nichkhun tried to scoot over for me, but i was too dazed to realize it lol. So while i was asking nichkhun about standing there, my brother was asking chansung for an autograph, but chansung said "After the picture" so we took the picture, and i could feel nichkhun's chin against my head cause he leaned down by me. After the picture, i immediately turned around and asked Nichkhun if i could shake his hand. he said "Sure." and took his arm from around Junho and shook my hand. After that i looked over and saw chansung autographing my polaroid case. I was too scared to immediately take my camera after the picture cause i was afraid they would shoo us away, so i didn't take it until after i got my handshake lol. Then we said our goodbyes and left.
I swear, i could only keep my eyes on nichkhun. Either i was starstruck or too afraid to look away from him. I didn't really get to say much to the other members or even look at them, Nichkhun was just wayyyy too cute. After we were done, I realized that my brother asked one of the members who wasnt fluent in english for the autograph, and chansung replied back in like perfect english. My brother asked me if he was one of the ones who could speak english, i was like nope. I was reallyyy shocked by that, at first i thought maybe it wasnt him, but taecyeon was like on the other side and i was asking nickhun about where to stand lol. My brother figured it wouldnt hurt to ask them directly even if they told us not too, lol. Besides the security lady was telling us no autographs before we met the wonder girls, not 2pm :P. I told my brother to get at least one autograph and that i didnt care who it was cause any of them is good enough since they told us no autographs. so my brother just went casually went to chansung. Nichkhun's english was really cute tooo :D I didnt really hear much from the others, they seemed a little tired. or maybe it was because i only paid attention to nichkhun LOL I feelt kind of bad after it and was like oops, i should get one last long look at all of them as i walked away. Nichkhun's smile is just too cute too. He's so nice and he just seemed perfect. Victoria is a very lucky girll lol. In the picture, it looks like chansung put the bunny ears over my brother's head cause chansung did a peace sign close to his head lol. the tour gift sucked cause it was just a small printed picture of the wonder girls too. oh yeah, and we had about a minute or 2 with 2pm, probably because my brother was trying to get the autograph lol.
before it started:
we got in at about 7:05ish probably, vip got to go in first. since i was towards the last group of vips, all the spots that were really close to the stage were taken. I wanted to stand as close as possible to the stage, but it seemed that wherever i stood i couldn't see much or i would have to tip toe alot. So i went to this elevated area by like 2 steps and stood there with my brother. Since thats where most ppl probably drink, they had a little like holder thing for the drinks i guess against the rail. I don't know, but i was able to put my purse down there so that was good. When they eventually let general admission in, most people tried to get as close as possible to the stage. From where i was, i had a great view of the stage and could see everything. Where i was in the crowd, i couldnt see as much and it wasn't super close where i could touch their hand, so i didnt think it was worth it. Eventually though ppl started to come to the area where i was. my sister came over later and they had to switch out, and when it looked like my brother was leaving, this guy tried to take his spot, but my sister quickly came over to reclaim it lol.
now onto the concert!
a little after 8, we saw 2pm start walking out and there were so many sscreamss. I was one of those too lol. People were crazy for them. They sang without you, I hate you and i think there was a break and they talked a little i can't remember if it was after i hate you or another song. i'll have to check my camera later. I don't remember the order, but i know they sang again&again, and heartbeat. Then another break and taec was saying how we are probably the best crowd so far cause we actually sang along with their songs lol. Then they said their thank you's for showing up and stuff, and sang 10 out of 10. Oh yeah, before they did that though, taec did this thing where after he said 2P, we said m. That was fun :D and then they sang 10 out of 10 and it was over. It was fun when they did 10/10 because i've always wanted to do the hand motions to the song. I was so happy i actually started crying. And this is the first time i've ever cried in my life just because i was happy. They are really good looking in person. They were great dancers. They did alot of flips and stuff too. When i heard chansung speak during the breaks, i couldn't believe that was the same guy who said "After the picture" in perfect english at the meet and greet. HIs english was good, but you could still hear his accent. I couldnt really hear wooyoung when he spoke cause he either spoke too low or everyone was just screaming way too much. i couldn't really hear junho either, but it looked like he messed up a little cause he laughed a little and then he introduced himself. taec did most of the talking. they finished around 8:20, so they were on for about 20 minutes.
[omitted part about WG]
anyway, it was such a great night, everyone was great and i had so much fun :D btw, sorry if some parts don't make any sense lol.
cr: marmaladegrl21
cr; 2pmtimeless/hottestunion
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