The site of our last performance, San Francisco!! We first arrived at the airport keke The flags from left to right were San Francisco, America, and California ^^
San Francisco is a city with a lot of fog. That picture shows how the fog covers [everything] keke
And these are buildings of San Francisco. We were surprised that each city's buildings had a unique point or a unique feel ㅇㅅㅇ !
It's really beautiful, right?? keke
Oh and something that was interesting was that the buses traveled along the electric lines above. It gave off a bit of an old feel, but it also felt romantic keke^^
We got a few hours in the morning so we went around in a real hurry. And the driver of our car was really nice and gave us a tour like it was a vacation package keke
In order to take a picture we conquered the area -ㅅ- keke!! Actually we just took it quickly and whisked ourselves away keke
We went inside a restaurant but the sun was too bright so everybody's faces were ㅠㅠ
So we moved to the inside of the restaurant keke A brightened atmosphere hoho^^
Is what I ate called a fish steak...? It was delicious ^^
Eu heu heu it makes your mouth water, right keke ?
In parts where it's not foggy, it's this clear it's so nice ㅠㅠ
If there's fog, the sun gets covered like this. It looks like the moon
One of the places our driver ajussi took us! It's really nice ㅠㅠ
So we couldn't not take a group photo hoho^^
Here too^^
Ack, the car in the back...;;
Oh this was a background that could have been in an art museum. It was so pretty we tried to take a jumping picture.. and gave up ㅠㅠ
In the end we sat like this and took it kekekeke
The black man on the left was our driver and the foreign girl on the right was passing by and just stuck herself in the picture...;; In any case, it was a happy use of our few free hours ^^ haha
Source: 2PM's Daum Cafe
Credit: 2PM
These are good pictures. :)
ReplyDeleteanyone notice the flag?