Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"No more of these questions!"...The stars reveal questions they are bored of

On SBS 'Strong Heart,' the stars revealed the questions they are regularly asked by reporters that bother them.

On the 1st, Japanese actress Yumin said, "The whole time I have activities in Korea, I am asked if I want to marry a Korean man, and I am honestly sick o f it," and "Korean men, Japanese men, Koreans in Japan, I like them all," and expertly avoided the question.

Then 'Hero of 2002 World Cup' Yoo Sang Chul said, "Around this time, I'm always asked how we'll do in the World Cup. I'm no psychic, and if I knew then I would have already laid out a mat," and caused laughter.

2PM's Junsu said, "People ask what we're doing at 2 in the afternoon, but honestly we don't know either," and gagman Kim Young Chul said when he gets the question of when he started being funny, he wants to reply "Do you think I woke up one day and was funny?" and bite their heads off, causing laughter.

The highlight of the day was 2PM's Nichkhun, originally from Thailand. Nichkhun said, "Because I'm a foreigner, I get a lot of strange questions," and "I'm asked about the differences between Thailand and Korea, but honestly except for the language and the food, it's all similar," he said, embarrassed.

Nichkhun continued, "I also get a lot of questions about weather I want to marry a Korean woman or a foreign woman. For me, a Korean woman is a foreign woman so when they ask that I don't know what I should say," and expressed his hardships.

Meanwhile during broadcast, Thai king Nichkhun and Japanese beautiful woman Yumin formed a love line. Nichkhun was asked whom his ideal type was and he chose Yumin without hesitation. Yumin, whose cheeks turned red, said "I like Nichkhun-ssi so much I could die" and smiled brightly.

source: TV Report via NATE News

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